Is protecting your Second Amendment rights more important than protecting yourself? Trump’s Executive Order: Protecting Americans’ Second Amendment Rights puts people in danger. It puts students in danger.
Trump’s “Protecting Americans’ Second Amendment Rights” states that Trump will be freezing all existing gun restriction policies and eliminating all policies that take away Americans’ Second Amendment rights. The order claims to “end the federal government’s violation of Americans’ fundamental Second Amendment right to protect themselves, their families, and their freedoms.” as well as to “Ending The Attacks on Law-Abiding Gun Owners and Gun Businesses”.
Letting this executive order pass will endanger students in every city and state. This order impacts everyone in different ways. With fewer gun restriction laws, there are even more chances of school shootings, with fewer restrictions on guns, gun homicide rates will only get higher.
According to Giffords, a gun violence prevention and advocacy organization here in the Bay Area, 125 Americans are killed by gun violence every day. Nearly 46,000 Americans die from gun violence every year. Fewer restrictions will mean those rates go up.
Our Second Amendment doesn’t need to be protected; it needs to be regulated. But there are things you can do!
You can support gun control advocacy groups in and around the Bay Area by donating to their organizations, protesting policies proposed that restrict gun control laws, and educating your friends and community about this issue. If you want to learn more about gun violence in California go to Taking away restrictions on guns and gun businesses will only bring harm to your communities. Don’t let them.