After finalizing their thoughts for their future, the seniors at Mission have a lot of different plans and new experiences coming their way. A variety of students want to continue school in college, some in-state and some out-of-state. However, some students don’t see themselves in school or sitting at a desk in the future and have chosen plans like going into the military or working after graduation.

Mariana Aguilar
After graduation, Mariana plans to attend any of her top schools: SDSU, CSULB, UCLA, and UCI. She’s interested in majoring in either business or kinesiology.
How do you feel right now? What has been causing you stress?
“At the moment, I’m feeling worried about not getting accepted into my top schools. After finishing UC and CSU applications I’ve been stressed about completing the Common App. The Common App is causing more stress as it’s not being done with Mr. Velez, the AVID teacher. I have to work on it individually but I do get support from the future center after school hours to complete what I can. I also have to commute about a 1hr and 30 minutes from where I live so getting all the sleep I can is hard when I get home late and have to finish schoolwork.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
“Don’t miss, come every day, go by super quick, enjoy everything, and join as many clubs as you can.”

Tysir Awadalla
What is your plan after graduation?
He’s looking forward to being shipped off to boot camp on July 1st into the Military.
Where are you in the process of this? What has been completed so far?
“So far I’ve completed the health, credentials, and physical aspects. I will continue to train for the next few months until the day comes. I enjoy working out to better myself and be prepared for new challenges. I’m looking into getting either Coms or artillery.”
Coms: Radio signals, communications, interpretive language, radio operates.
Artillery: Cannons, Missile workers, Mobyle missiles.
Advice to upcoming seniors:
“Follow your dreams and know what you want. I knew that college wasn’t for me, instead, I wanted to get my hands dirty and join the military. I found passion in working out freshman year so I chose the military to be in the field I’m best at. Do what you do best.”

Owen Ibister
Owen wants to attend a 4 year and wants to major in psychology, minoring in business but will go in as undeclared.
How do you feel right now? What did you do to handle your stress?
“Right now I feel stress-free and very relaxed after finally submitting. I’m looking forward to moving on and I want my next step to be getting my license along with a car. Before submitting I had trouble handling my stress which messed up my routine during college applications. I was going to bed late, waking up super tired, and drinking coffee to get my energy up. Then I’d stay in the future center once school ended till 6 pm and was wrecked once reality kicked in. I crashed out that Friday after it was a continuous routine for a few days. I don’t recommend it.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
Discipline yourself to get things done ahead of time or stretch work out over time. “Don’t cram things all at once with a bunch of coffee or it’ll lead to you being wrecked the day after. Work hangover.”

Miguel Pimentel
Miguel’s plans after graduation are to attend the University of Hawaii as he’s already received his acceptance letter.
What made you choose this school considering it’s out of state?
“I enjoy the environment around the school and Hawaii itself. I’m looking forward to going to the beach and being in the warm water whenever I have free time. Along with being very open-minded by meeting new people and being away from home to feel free.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
If you’re planning on going to college, stay on top of everything, don’t procrastinate, get support early on so you’re not lost, and start on your applications, and PIQs as early as possible.
Aylana Jarzombek
Aylana plans to go to City College to study business and then transfer to Skyline College.
Why did you choose CCSF?
“I’m choosing to go to the City because it’ll be easier financially. Also, it’s more convenient as I live in the area and it’ll be easy transportation. I did submit to CSU’s and I got accepted to the 4 that I applied to so I feel very good about that.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
Don’t rush into things and don’t do what everybody else does. If you have a plan for your future, go with the plan. There’s no need to follow people in their footsteps just because it isn’t what yours looks like.
Kyha Bryant
Kyha’s plans after graduation are to attend a Historically Black College University and major in Biomedical.
What made you choose this school considering that it’s out of state?
“I am going to attend an HBCU which I have already applied to a few and have gotten ac acceptance letters. Specifically Bennett College, Grambling State University, Livingstone College, and South Carolina State University. One that I got accepted to is East Bay State University which is in California. Attending one of the HBCUs is convenient in my case because I have family around these colleges and can go somewhere for the holidays so I won’t spend them alone. It was challenging as the GPA for these schools is either a 3.0 or 3.5 and above so I had to get on top of my schoolwork to go to any of these colleges.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
“If you’re behind, get it done junior year instead of having to worry about it senior year so you’re not stressing when you don’t have a high enough GPA to get into the schools you want to go to.”

Josiah Butler
His plans after graduation are to take a little break for about 2 months to figure out what he wants to do and then to go into trade school, specifically plumbing.
What made you choose work after high school?
“I’m definitely excited to see what’s coming up in my future and it’s fun to think about what will come next. My mom has been in construction for like 20 years so I might do that too. I have an uncle who’s an electrician so I definitely have a lot of outlets in the workplace. I’m required to take 3 years of school but my mom does know the recruiters so it’s easy to jump in and get a job whenever. I do prefer school over work though because at school you’ll see friends and stuff who you’ll have memories with for the rest of your life. So I look forward to making memories before anything because a lot of these people are moving out of the city and country so you might never see them again.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
Do what you want to for these last couple of years, it’s not going to matter much in 10 years. Whether it’s playing sports, joining a band, or getting into clubs you’ll never have the chance again.
Romale Johnson
What is your plan after graduation?
Romale wants to go to trade school for carpentry.
What made you choose to work after high school?
“I never wanted to continue doing school after graduating high school. Instead, I would rather be going to work, getting my hands dirty, and making some money. I’m excited to be working in trade school to get a good career for the future and make money at the same time. To go to trade school I had to maintain a 4.0 because one of the trade schools I was interested in requires a 3.5 or above GPA. The process starts in the summer so right now I’ve just been focused on school.”
Advice to upcoming seniors:
“Don’t overdo it, don’t overthink it because at the end of the day it’s really not that serious so just keep laughing, keep vibing, and get your stuff over with. Don’t overwhelm yourself and make sure you’re always comfortable. Start joking or laugh it off because you don’t always have to be mad. Take losses, turn them into jokes, and just laugh.”
At Mission, college isn’t always the only option after high school. Many of the students have found their passions and interests in different careers and with confidence choose to pursue those careers.